The Liquid Air Energy Network (LAEN) is the new forum for the advocacy and development of liquid air as an alternative way to harness waste and surplus energy within power and transport. The formation of LAEN is one of the core outcomes from the Centre for Low Carbon report Liquid Air in the energy and transport systems: Opportunities for industry and innovation in the UK.
Key activities will include :-
- Hub: A primary aim is to act as a hub to stimulate collaboration between stakeholders (academia, commerce, industry and government; as well as users and suppliers of energy). This will include publishing reports and regular briefing notes, and hosting two national conferences a year (one general in Spring and one themed in Autumn; the first of which will be transport in Autumn 2013). The LAEN will also host smaller seminars and round tables.
- Market feasibility: Alongside producing its own reports and market studies, with both a network of technology developers, research centres and extensive application understanding and techno-economic modeling data, LAEN and its members will be uniquely positioned to support organisations in assessing and understanding the potential value of liquid air. These can range from policy teams; energy suppliers or potential users; potential OEM or supply chain, or the investment community. LAEN intends to generate new engagement and deliver commercial or research projects back to its members who will be best placed to deliver the aim of propagating Liquid Air around the globe.
See services for more information
'Communities of Interest' and Membership
The network will be structured around a number of ‘communities of interest’ where people who share a common interest or passion in an aspect of Liquid Air can join the LAEN and exchange ideas and thoughts, as well as support reports, papers and market feasibility studies. These will include
Founder members: Each community of interest will have one or two founder members who will act as Chairs. They will help influence the debate and be involved in the drafting of reports, papers; they will be invited to contribute at relevant briefing events Founder members will also be invited to be included in relevant commercial market analysis and feasibility study proposals and commercial networking / engagement.
If you would like to learn more about the "Communities of Interest", becoming a member or Founder member, please contact .
Membership is open to all those who wish to participate. There is an annual subscription with different levels and rates appropriate for industrial companies through to academic institutions.